Message from Principal

Principal's Desk

Message from Principal

I am happy to see that our Bethlahem College of Education is passing through exhilarating times. Our college is on an exceptional ride towards development. Teacher education programme is a skill building process; the student-teacher gets guided experience as a preparation for all the aspects of his/her professional career. The teacher education students should be well versed in handling the class in an intelligent manner and they should know about how to handle electronic gadgets.

I want them to be well rounded and well equipped individuals with a strong moral fibre. I am really happy at our accomplishments and the accolades we received; at the same time we are aware that if we decide that success has been attained, progress stops. So, let us march forward with our noble goals and plans. Let us strive to build a society which is totally free from penury, illiteracy and brutality and move towards a brighter, prosperous and a peaceful tomorrow.

I firmly hope that with the blessings of our Lord Jesus Christ, the guidance of our chairman and well-wishers, the indefatigable work of our teachers and unstinted cooperation of the students the college will make great strides and continue to serve the student community and the society.


Dr. J. Kiruba (Principal)